Monday, July 16, 2007

Harry Potter. . . .

Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?

Hogwarts Sock Swap Questionnaire

1. What Hogwarts house have you been sorted into?

2. Shoe size?
size 10 1/2 to 11 women's

3. Foot Length?
9 1/2

4. Foot Circumference?
still trying to find a tape measure

5. List your three favorite double-point needle brands, including size and length.
a. lanturn moon size 2
b. brittany size 2
c. any 5" bamboo or wooden needles size 2

6. Would you like to try a new brand needle? If so, which brand? Size? Length?
not really =/

7. If you are a RAVENCLAW, do you prefer the colors in the film or the book? Do you have a strong preference?
eeww. . . Ravenclaw. . .well better than Slytherin

8. Allergies? Do you have any? Will your knitting be exposed to smoke or animals?

9. Are you an international participant (outside US)? Are you willing to have an international Hogwarts Sock Pal?


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